fDi Magazine named Santa Clarita an American City of the Future
Like all businesses that have chosen to locate in the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV), foreign companies are attracted by the region’s business-friendly approach, abundance of land, high quality of life, modern facilities and infrastructure, talented workforce and strong local economy. Additionally, SCV’s proximity to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which are ranked the #1 and #2 ports by cargo volume in North America, make it an ideal location for international businesses.
Increased global contentedness not only means increased trade in goods and services, but also increased foreign direct investment (FDI), which can take many forms, such as the direct purchase of an existing firm, investment into a joint venture, direct investment into a new venture, or construction and outfitting of a facility.

With foreign direct investment becoming a key growth driver both at a national and regional level, we were pleased that fDi Magazine announced that Santa Clarita was named in the top twenty-five in Foreign Direct Investment Strategy among cities in their American Cities of the Future Awards.
There are now an estimated 10,378 foreign-owned firms in Southern California, representing approximately 1.2 percent of all firms in the region. Together, these companies have 427,954 employees, representing 5.4 percent of the region’s workers, with wages of almost $27 billion.
If you have questions, contact the SCVEDC – our business services team provides information and research supporting businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley, along with those seeking to relocate here.
The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) is a unique private / public partnership representing the united effort of regional industry and government leaders. The SCVEDC utilizes an integrated approach to attracting, retaining and expanding a diversity of businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley, especially those in key industry clusters, by offering competitive business services and other resources.