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The Santa Clarita Business Incubator Spotlight

The Santa Clarita Business Incubator Spotlight

One of the greatest local resources we have for startups is the Santa Clarita Business Incubator. A partnership between the City of Santa Clarita, College of the Canyons, and the Small Business Development Center, the Business Incubator has helped local entrepreneurs kickstart their businesses through networking opportunities, low cost office space, and access to partnerships with local legal and financial services, all while establishing roots in the SCV to create high-quality jobs for the community.

Millennials and Startups in SCV

Millennials and Startups in SCV

We’ve discussed before how Santa Clarita is one of the top tech areas to watch in LA and OC and a hot place for startups to call home. Considering millennials are outpacing former generations in the number of businesses being started and their current exodus to the suburbs, it’s no surprise that we’ve seen a resurgence in the interest in startups locally.

Combining Millennials and Baby Boomers in the Workforce

Combining Millennials and Baby Boomers in the Workforce

We’ve already discussed what kind of demands millennials have for the workplace and why it matters. But with the generation now making up the majority of the workforce, it’s becoming more important than ever to recognize ways to integrate their new way of thinking into the company culture to foster peaceful relationships with the established baby boomers.

Quality of Life Matters - Millennials are Moving to the Suburbs

Quality of Life Matters – Millennials are Moving to the Suburbs

As millennials grow up and begin to settle into their careers and buy homes, it’s hardly surprising that their demands from just a few years ago have changed. A generation that once flocked to apartments in the city is now looking to settle down and start a family – but where are they moving to and what are they looking for? by the Numbers by the numbers

Have you heard about, the new resource from the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation? is a comprehensive, highly visible job board that matches SCV career opportunities with SCV residents who want a job closer to home.

Spotlight: Leading Tech Companies that Call SCV Home

Spotlight: Leading Tech Companies that Call SCV Home

When you think of “booming tech hub,” you’re probably more inclined to think Silicon Valley than Santa Clarita. But the truth is that over the past few years more companies are moving out of Silicon Valley and looking for locations with a greater quality of life that corresponds to the desires of their workforce.

New Resource to Help SCV Employers Find Local Talent

New Resource to Help SCV Employers Find Local Talent


The Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) is home to many top employers in a wide variety of industries like medical devices & biotechnology, aerospace & defense, digital media & entertainment, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. Despite the fact that SCV residents are highly skilled and often experience long commute times, local employers note that they have trouble hiring talent that lives locally, and they frequently have to cast a wide net to fill open positions. We have also found that residents of the Santa Clarita Valley lack awareness of the types of career opportunities that are offered at local companies.

Trust and Transparency: The Future of Innovation

Trust and Transparency: The Future of Innovation

In a world where technology evolves on an almost daily basis and it can be challenging to decipher between what is real and what isn’t, the growing demand for transparency is greater than ever. For companies whose main business is technology, it is becoming more evident that the only way to fuel future success is to build trust with consumers through open communication and information sharing.

California Competes Tax Credit Application Period Now Open

California Competes Tax Credit Application Period Now Open

Have you heard about the California Competes Tax Credit? It’s an income tax credit supporting growth of high quality jobs in California, available to businesses who want to come to, stay in, or grow in our state. Through a two-phase process, businesses apply and compete for this credit during three application periods each year.


Digital Healthcare: The Future of Treatment

Digital Healthcare: The Future of Treatment

By now it’s no surprise that the medical industry heavily relies on technology. Patient records are stored and accessed digitally, telemedicine appointments allow you to have a doctor visit from your home, and AI is helping to run diagnostic tests in clinics. But as our health becomes more data-driven, what changes can we expect to see in the way providers and hospitals handle patient treatment?

Three Biotechnology and Medical Device Trends to Watch This Year

Three Biotechnology and Medical Device Trends to Watch This Year

Constant evolution in technology has driven change in every aspect of our lives. From the way we consume content and communicate to how we perform our daily job duties, it’s often difficult to remember what life was like before we were constantly connected. When it comes to biotech and medical devices, there is no exception; constant evolution means changing the way we provide and receive care on a regular basis.

3 Ways High-Tech Healthcare is Making an Impact

3 Ways High-Tech Healthcare is Making an Impact


It’s probably no surprise to you that growth in technology over the past few decades has had a significant impact on medicine. Beyond your doctor carrying a laptop to each appointment and improved devices, we’re seeing healthcare evolve to use AI and robots, as well as nanotechnology and VR to improve patient care.

Valencia Pipe Company Expands in SCV


CBRE announced Valencia Pipe Company Inc., a division of VPC Global, leased 170,990 square feet at Vista Business Park in Valencia, Calif. for $10.1 million.

SCVEDC Honors Power Brokers

SCVEDC Honors Power Brokers

Here at the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation, we’re invested not just in growing our local businesses, but attracting great companies to the region with a focus on industries that provide our residents with high quality, high paying jobs.

Smart Growth Checklist for Small to Mid-Sized Companies

A Smart Growth Checklist for Small to Mid-Sized Companies


Congratulations! After months, or maybe years, of hard work, your business is continuing to spread its wings and is ready to leave the proverbial nest.

Making Big Deals Happen – The Top 5 Qualities of a Power Broker

Making Big Deals Happen – The Top 5 Qualities of a Power Broker

In the world of commercial real estate, there are those who broker, and those who broker.

Here at SCVEDC, we’re invested not just in growing our community, but how it grows. Which businesses are setting up shop in our area, and what kind of jobs are they bringing? We love to fight for the good jobs, the high-paying kind that provide major opportunity right in our backyard.

Podcast Update: Logix, SCV Locations, and CalArts

Podcast Update: Logix, SCV Locations, and CalArts

SCV Means Business Podcast is back with three new episodes, as our president Holly Schroeder speaks with community leaders about matters that affect business in the SCV. This time we’re talking handling leadership transitions, managing location requests for the film industry, and the ripple effect the arts have on economic development.

Independent Studio Signs Lease in Santa Clarita Valley

Independent Studio Signs Lease in Santa Clarita Valley

CBRE announced an independent studio operator signed a new 166,359 square-foot lease at Rockefeller Crossing, an industrial complex in Valencia, CA owned by LBA Realty.

SCVEDC Hosts Annual Economic Outlook Forecast

SCVEDC Hosts Annual Economic Outlook Forecast

Even though economist Dr. Mark Schniepp of California Economic Forecast said to expect a “boring economy” in 2019, SCVEDC’s annual Economic Outlook was anything but. With tickets selling out nearly five weeks before the event date, Holly Schroeder, President & CEO of SCVEDC gave a warm welcome to over 400 attendees that crowded into the ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Valencia. 

2018 -- A Year of Growth and Development for the Santa Clarita Valley

2018 – A Year of Growth and Development for the Santa Clarita Valley


The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation’s overarching goals are to support the creation of high-paying jobs for our trained workforce, stimulate economic activity that grows the regional tax base, and strategically position the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) and its businesses to better compete in the global economy.

Santa Clarita Valley Keeps Winning

The Santa Clarita Valley Keeps Winning

The Santa Clarita Valley has been in the news quite a lot lately -- and for good reason. Those of us who call the SCV home already know it's a great place to live and work, but others are taking notice as well. 

The Ripple Effect: New Development = Job Creation

The Ripple Effect: New Development = Job Creation

Pretend for a moment you want to build a new house. What do you need?

Raw materials, certainly. Foundation, wood, brick, glass, etc. You’ll need labor, too. Someone has to design the place, transport your raw materials, and assemble them into something that won’t tip over when the big bad wolf comes around.

Millennials Are Buying Homes -- In the Burbs

Millennials Are Buying Homes in the Burbs


While home values have reached record highs in many American cities and student debt is higher than ever, millennials in some parts of the country are choosing to buy homes anyway. But what makes a good place to live? Where are millennials choosing to live and why?


SCV Means Business: Neotech and Technifex

SCV Means Business: Neotech and Technifex

Among the various industry clusters that call the SCV home, most businesses agree that moving or starting here has helped them in some central way that they can’t ignore. This month we spoke with two companies who are not only pushing boundaries in their respective industries, but also found a home in Santa Clarita to serve their needs.

Workplace Education is the Future

Workplace Education is the Future

With the constantly evolution across multiple industries and even within individual jobs, it’s no surprise that learning new skills is becoming both a requirement and expectation. It’s no longer enough to “go back to school;” instead, learning has become a continuous process the workforce is expected to integrate into daily operations to keep up with a company's growing needs.

Join us for the 2019 Economic Outlook Conference

Join us for the 2019 Economic Outlook Conference on March 14

Are you wondering where to get a sneak peek into the economy of the Santa Clarita Valley, the state of California, the United States, and the world? Does your company rely on accurate and up-to-date demographic data for the region? Are you interested in how growth and development will shape Santa Clarita in 2019 and beyond? If you answered yes! to any of these questions, you need to attend our 2019 Economic Outlook Conference!

Small Businesses Drive Employment

Small Businesses Drive Employment

Quick -- when you think of companies that drive the engine of our economy forward, which come to mind? Apple? Google?


Like we’ve said before, it may feel like big companies are behind the wheel, but small and medium-sized companies are pulling more than their weight when it comes to hiring and growing the economy, and they have been for some time.

SCVEDC is Here to Help Your Company GROW in 2019

SCVEDC is Here to Help your Company GROW in 2019

A major function of our work at the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) is to monitor the diverse issues facing businesses in our region and provide support to companies as they work through these issues. This is accomplished in a variety of ways through our business assistance program, our business attraction efforts, and our partnerships with our Board, COC, the City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles to name a few.

Looking Back on a Good Year

Looking Back on a Good Year

2018 was a very good year for the Santa Clarita Valley, and 2019 shapes up to be good as well. Our local job growth has chugged along in a healthy manner, and we are on track to add several thousand new jobs in the SCV. We are also adding new housing, which is a good thing and will continue to keep our economy in balance as we go forward.


SCVEDC Honored by The Signal as 2018’s Growth Leader

SCVEDC Honored by The Signal as 2018’s Growth Leader

Last week The Signal hosted their annual business awards. Among the honorees was the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) for Growth Leader. Growth is a very important theme here at SCVEDC. In fact, growing the number of high-quality jobs in the Santa Clarita Valley is our mission.


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